Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Forward

Sun setting over Scammon.
Springing forward in daylight savings really is a lovely thing. I’m getting less and less sleep because it’s hard to feel tired with so much more sun everyday! This evening I watched the sun say goodnight at about 9:15pm. Beautiful, beautiful. I don’t mind this at all.

Going out for a ride.
I officially signed on for teaching year number two with the Lower Yukon School District. I’m very happy to know that I will be here come fall. This week will start the first week of fourth quarter. It’s had to believe how quickly the year has gone by. I’m truly blessed and honored to be teaching, learning, and living here.

It has been unseasonably chilly this winter. I believe I’m able to say that if locals said it to me first. ☺ Close to two months of not going above zero! But with the right gear it does not stop anyone from getting out especially when there’s hunting to do or basketball games to cheer for. I was able to travel to Hooper Bay a few weeks back with friends from church to attend service there. Also have been twice to Chevak to cheer on high school basketball games. The snow-go (snow mobile) really has been fun and worth it. Just getting out in fresh air on beautiful days feels so nice. Sadly I’m on the injured list right now as heading to Chevak to watch ball games 2 weeks ago I got into an accident. Thankfully it is just a broken thumb and pretty sore, swollen right hand. Writing is a challenge, and I will not be driving for a little bit longer, but it’s getting better each day. Had a go into Bethel to have it x-rayed and taken care of. It really was scary, but I know I have to take it and get back on. Brett welcomed me to his club of “Not so Graceful Dismounts” off of moving machines (motorcycles/ snowgos/ ect.), so I guess that’s an honor in a weird way.

Learning how to cut caribou.
Spent a Saturday a few weeks ago learning how to cut up caribou.  My friends husband caught 2.  From what I understand we don't have caribou around Scammon Bay.  They live inland in the Kushokwin region, towards Bethel.  Therefore it is about a 5-6 hour trip by snowgo to get to an area where there are caribou.  They are pretty yummy, so defiantly worth it!

Big wind/snow storms like to trap us in our house.
Shoveling a way out to get to school one morning.