Sunday, September 30, 2012

Summer into Fall 2012

Hello All,

Minus the horrible heat the lower 48 had this past summer, it was everything I could have asked for.  I was able to relax, refocus, and even prep a bit for teaching year number two.  Even in the heat, it was so nice to get out running and biking almost every day.  I enjoyed buying fresh cut flowers, veggies and drinking plenty of lattes!  I loved all the traveling to visit family and friends I was fortunate to do.  Thank you to all who housed me and took such great care of me while I visited – from Washington to Connecticut all the way down to Florida. It was a blast! I also was able to join my previous church's high school youth team on their outreach to Standing Rock, South Dakota.  So, now it’s your turn to come north and visit me, send me your itinerary!

School has been off to a great yet, as always, busy start.  I have 16 third graders this year.  After my first year of teaching and having such a wonderful class I thought it might take longer to “like” (as much as last years group) this new group, but they got me on day one.  They are such a funny and positive group of kids!  I have been taking some “school” myself; all online courses, which I have learned, are not my favorite.  I now appreciate my professors and class discussions that were face to face so much more. Nothing official in terms of a master program, but credits that will help me move in that direction one day.
 I picked a bunch of berries this season.  I really found my liking for it; I think it’s a mix of competition in filling my bucket faster and faster each time and then finding the good spots.  But even more than that, it has been really relaxing for me, and then you know me, feeling productive at the same time. I wish I could bottle the smell of tundra.

I am co-coaching volleyball again this year, which started up last week.  Lots of athletes this year and a young group! We head to St. Mary’s this coming weekend for our first games. Also, at school I’m co-leading a high school group called, Natural Helpers.  It’s a group of students that are picked and dedicated on making our school and community better.  We have weekly meetings and will be doing elder visits, big brother/ big sister program, teen suicide prevention discussion/retreat, and family events throughout the year.  It was kinda unexpected and last minute thing to be apart of, but I’m really looking forward to working with these high schoolers.

It has been so encouraging getting back to church here in Scammon Bay.  There are lots of neat things God has been doing with the youth.  As you feel lead keep us in your prayers as we seek to follow the Lords direction.

My friend's daughter who is also Addie's trainer.

My roommate and I gave in and took in a pup a few weeks ago.  Her name is Adalae, (Addie).  We are pretty sure she is mostly a Labrador, but may have a few other breads mixed in.  I have had a family dog my whole life, but it’s a whole different deal trying to figure out the best training tactics on your own.  But I’m glad we have her, she forces me out walking/hiking even when I think it’s a little too chilly.

our group

We just got back Friday from a two-day teacher training in Hooper Bay.  All the primary teachers in the district met there.  I had such a neat time with my colleagues, I’m so glad to work with these ladies, they have taught me so much!  We laughed so hard together they are such a hoot.  I was even given my Yup’ik name, which was very special.  Quyana for making trainings fun!
flying home from Hooper Bay

Well, I think this blog post is my longest yet. Hopefully I will find more time to update! Thanks for reading.  Have a wonderful fall; drink a pumpkin latte for me!